React Training



Learn here to develop powerful interactive web interfaces with to React Js and use Redux to manage application states.

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Next session : August


React JS is a JavaScript library built, development and maintained by Facebook. React JS is specifically used to develop interactive web UI. React JS uses the JavaScript DOM instead of using the HTML DOM, This makes React JS the fastest JavaScript library for developing UI elements.

In this course you will learn the following: JSX in React, Components, Stateless Components, Props & Events, Refs in React, Mounting & Un-mounting, Build a Scratch Pad App with ReactJS.
This course is complete based on practicals, Basically in this course we are going to build a Scratch pad app with React JS.



Have Html skills
Have Css skills
Have basic JavaScript skills


Discover and master react
Knowing how to use the appropriate development tools
Build a react application respecting best practices

Training Program

1- Introduction To Training
- Understand the interest of react and declarative programming
- Reminders on ES6 and the discovery of JSX
- Setting up Babel with node.js and NPM
- The different ways to create react components
- Use es6 modules with create-react- app ( webpack)
- State management
- Hooks
- Improved code quality with prettier, EsLint and proptypes
- Fetch, CSS in JS, Flexbox
2- Develop with React Js
- The sides effects
- The react components lifecycle
- Understand and use the 'useEffect' hook
- Avoid 'props-drilling' thanks to the context
- Set up a routing system with react
- Event management
- Design pattern
- Reusable component
3- Application with Redux
- Understanding Redux and why use it?
- Use Redux with react thanks to React-Redux
- Alternatives to Redux (MobX, Redux-Saga, Overmind, Cerebral)
4- Test under React
- JavaScript tests
- Testing React components
- SEO and SSR (GatsbyJS and NextJS)
- Optimizing React components


streaming site and presentation of films from multiple sources

Familiarization with Babel, React and NPM
Definition and realization of the components according to the determined specifications
Creating a structured set of UI components
Manage states with Redux and integration of a SPA
Unit test your application
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