Pentaho Training

Learn the most used CMS wordpress in few days and create quality websites.
French / English
Kubernetes allows to orchestrate containers and thus to build an application from simple components or even micro services. This very practical course will look at advanced aspects of containers (Docker) and show how to deploy a Kubernetes cluster and how to use Kubernetes in production.

Knowledge of SQL
Know how to model and develop data transformations with the Pentaho Data Integration development environment.
Know how to manage the deployment and debugging of jobs carried out.
Training Program
1- Introduction to Pentaho Data Integration
Presentation and objective of the course
Overview of the possibilities offered by PDI
Launching and configuring PDI
Transformation in practice
Transforming a Hello World
Error management
2- The benchmark
Create a repository
Feeding a repository
3- Reading and writing files
Input and output data
Data cleansing
Set the file path in the Kettle properties
Generate multiple output data with parameters
Create a serializable file from several files
Deserialise a file
4- Working with a database
Connecting to and exploring a source database
Reading and writing tables
Read data from a table and write it to a text file
Data cleansing
Variables and parameters
Inserting data using the Insert and Update functions
Input tables and timestamp parameters
Using the Copy Table Wizard
5- Data flows and lookups
Copy and distribute data
Merging and joining data
Parallel processing
Using the "Stream Lookup" step
6- The calculations
Group By
Using the calculator
Regular expressions
User-defined Java expression
JavaScript in Pentaho
Calculation exercises
7- The jobs
Sending alerts
Using the kitchen to run jobs via the command line
Check the state of the JVM
Error handling and notification emails
8- Planning
Setting up the planner
Plan a job
Control of scheduled jobs
Modelling and feeding a data warehouse