Html_Css Training

Learn to design websites in HTML and CSS in a few days and create quality websites.
French / English
Want to master HTML5 & CSS3 and all their latest techniques through ONLY practice? You are at the right place.
HTML and CSS are two true standards in computer science that currently have no competitors.
HTML and CSS are two true standards in computer science that currently have no competitors.
At the end of this training, you will be able to create any website using HTLM5 and CSS3

No development knowledge required
Any computer - Windows, Mac, Linux, ...
You don't have to buy any software
Learn how to create REAL PROFESSIONAL websites
Learn to use the latest in HTML5
Learn how to use the latest CSS3 features
Understand how forms work
Understand the structure of a website
Build a website from A to Z
Add images, videos, music, and gifs
Create a beautiful resume
Have a knowledge of dynamic appearances
Make your website accessible on all platforms
Training Program
1- The Basics of HTML
- What is HTML?
- Creating your first HTML page
- Creating your first HTML page
2- Learn HTML
- HEAD elements
- Text elements
- Title element
- List element
- Images
- Hypertext links
- Tables
- Video and audio media
- Comments
- Send an e-mail
- Nested navigation context
- Generic div and span containers
- Forms
- W3C code validation
- Inspector
Case Study 1: Building the skeleton of your portfolio using HTML
- Text elements
- Title element
- List element
- Images
- Hypertext links
- Tables
- Video and audio media
- Comments
- Send an e-mail
- Nested navigation context
- Generic div and span containers
- Forms
- W3C code validation
- Inspector
Case Study 1: Building the skeleton of your portfolio using HTML
3- The Basics of CSS
- CSS Syntax
- How to write Css in your Html pages
- Comments
- Introduction to complex CSS selectors and combinators
- Class id attributes and associated CSS selectors
- Cascading style sheets and inheritance
- HTML div and span elements in CSS
- CSS skills assessment
- How to write Css in your Html pages
- Comments
- Introduction to complex CSS selectors and combinators
- Class id attributes and associated CSS selectors
- Cascading style sheets and inheritance
- HTML div and span elements in CSS
- CSS skills assessment
4- CSS Box Concept
- Boxes in CSS
- The units of measurement
- Minimum and maximum width of an element
- Floating elements
- Types of HTML block and inline elements
- Positioning elements (position).
- Order of the different layers (z-index)
- Calculating the size of an element (box-sizing)
- Rounding borders (border-radius)
Case study 2: Formatting your portfolio
- The units of measurement
- Minimum and maximum width of an element
- Floating elements
- Types of HTML block and inline elements
- Positioning elements (position).
- Order of the different layers (z-index)
- Calculating the size of an element (box-sizing)
- Rounding borders (border-radius)
Case study 2: Formatting your portfolio
5- CSS Advanced Use
- Advanced Css selectors
- Pseudo-classes
- Pseudo-elements
- Transitions in CSS
- Animations in CSS
- Pseudo-classes
- Pseudo-elements
- Transitions in CSS
- Animations in CSS
6- The Background Property in CSS
- Define a background image (background-image)
- Repeat background (background-repeat)
- Background origin (background-origin)
- Define the position of the background (background-position)
- Define the size of the background images (background-size)
- Define the way the background expands (background-clip)
- Set the position of the background (background-attachment)
- Add a linear gradient to the background image (linear-gradient)
- Shortcut property background
Case study 3: Put an image or a color in the background at the desired position on your portfolio
- Repeat background (background-repeat)
- Background origin (background-origin)
- Define the position of the background (background-position)
- Define the size of the background images (background-size)
- Define the way the background expands (background-clip)
- Set the position of the background (background-attachment)
- Add a linear gradient to the background image (linear-gradient)
- Shortcut property background
Case study 3: Put an image or a color in the background at the desired position on your portfolio
7- Media Queries (Responsive Design)
- Discovering media queries
- Creating a simple layout
- Responsive design (media queries)
Case study 4 : Render your portfolio responsive
- Creating a simple layout
- Responsive design (media queries)
Case study 4 : Render your portfolio responsive
Case Study 1: Building the skeleton of your portfolio using HTML
Case study 2: Formatting your portfolio
Case study 3: Put an image or a color in the background at the desired position on your portfolio