Express Training Level 2

Learn how to use Express Js Framework
French / English
6 Days
Express is a flexible, minimalist framework that sits on top of Node.js and allows you to build powerful websites and web applications. In this course you’ll learn all the elements that make up an express application, from routing, views, models and dives into a few advanced topics such as session management, error handling and other requirements for real-world applications.

Knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, NodeJS and nodemon recommended
Building professional backend web apps with ExpressJS
Training Program
1- Introduction
Dynamic websites with Node and Express
Setting up your development environment
2- Building an Express Application
Create an Express server
Building from a HTML page or template
Serving HTML pages and static content
Setting up ESLint and Prettier
Setting up nodemon
3- Template Engines
Template engines and Express
Getting to know the EJS template engine
Rendering the index page with EJS
4- Express Routes and Middleware
Express middleware and routes
Modular routes with express.Router
Creating routes for all subpages
Add business logic
Add a session management middleware
5- Professional Templating with Express
Create a site-wide layout
Using partials with EJS
Template variables in more detail
Looping through lists in templates
Creating a list page
Using parameter routes
Challenge: Partials and lists
Solution: Partials and lists
6- Handling Errors Gracefully
How to handle errors in express
Creating an error page
Populating the error page
7- Handling Form Data
Creating a form template
Handling POST requests
Validating and sanitizing user input
Storing data
8- Creating APIs with Express
A little intro to REST APIs
Creating and testing an API endpoint
Add client side JavaScript
Updating the page from REST
9- Conclusion
Creation of an e-commerce site for the sale of image
Installing Drupal
Creation of personalized content
Addition of a navigation system in the form of menus from a home page
Installation and use of new module
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