Express Training Level 3
Learn how to use Express Js Framework
French / English
5 Days
Designed to take your development skills to the next level, with advanced techniques that will enable you to tackle more complex projects with Express. Learn how to integrate a database, build a proper user authentication and authorization system, securely upload files, process and serve images, and deploy your Express apps to production.
Knowledge of HTML, JavaScript and NodeJS recommended
Gain a solid foundation for future projects using ExpressJS
Training Program
1- Introduction
Tackle any project with Express
Get your tools ready
Understanding and running the sample project
2- Know the Building Blocks and Internals of Express
Exploring Express components and APIs
Important Express middleware
Creating a template engine for Express
3- Use MongoDB and Mongoose to Manage Users
Setting up a hosted MongoDB server
Connecting to MongoDB
Adding MongoDB and Mongoose to an Express project
Creating a user schema for Mongoose
Using bcrypt to hash and validate passwords
Adding password encryption and validation to a Mongoose model
Creating a user registration route
Testing the form and reviewing the data in MongoDB
4- Authenticate and Authorize Users
Understanding cookies and sessions
Adding cookies and sessions to Express
Inspecting the session object
Introduction to Passport
Adding Passport to Express
Setting up an authentication strategy for Passport
Serializing and deserializing users
Creating a login form with Passport
Providing a logout link
Authentication vs. authorization
Protecting routes
5- Handle File Uploads and Process Images
File upload basics
Handling multipart form data with multer
Resizing and storing images with sharp
Creating an image handling middleware
Serving images
6- Deployment and Running in Production
Tuning Express performance: NODE_ENV and compression
Tuning Express performance: Further measures
Add logging
Using the Node.js cluster module
Securing an Express application
Deployment and operation with PM2
Running behind a web server
7- Conclusion
Creation of an e-commerce site for the sale of image
Installing Drupal
Creation of personalized content
Addition of a navigation system in the form of menus from a home page
Installation and use of new module
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