Spring Boot 2 Training
This training aims to allow you to master the Spring framework as well as Spring Boot.
French / English
15 Days
Spring Boot makes it extremely easy to start, configure, and deploy a Spring project. With its autoconfiguration capabilities based primarily on dependency management, it allows developers to focus on their business issues rather than technical configuration and integration issues. Embedded in an on-board
servlet container, Spring Boot applications are simple Java applications that you just have to start. This new type of packaging simplifies the production of applications to the extreme.
In this sense, Spring Boot applications are part of the DevOps approach. And are very suitable for microservice architectures.
servlet container, Spring Boot applications are simple Java applications that you just have to start. This new type of packaging simplifies the production of applications to the extreme.
In this sense, Spring Boot applications are part of the DevOps approach. And are very suitable for microservice architectures.
Spring Boot Level 1
Building microservice with Spring Boot
Training Program
1- Intro & Understanding few key concepts
Spring Boot Overview
The N-Tier Architecture
Dependency Injection Explained
2- Setting Up Spring Boot
Initializr & Bootstrapping
3- N-Tier (Data Access - DAO Layer)
Creating User model
DAO interface
Creating fake DAO and database using a Map
Implementing DAO interface
4- N-Tier (Service Layer)
Creating Service layer and refactor DAO interface
Dependency Injection with Spring
Lets Implement the business logic
5- Unit Tests & Mocking with Mockito
Simple Unit Test
Writing tests for DAO
Mocking Objects with Mockito
Mockito BDD - Given, When and Argument Captor
6- N-Tier (Restful Api Layer)
Spring Boot and Web Servers overview
HTTP GET Request
Configuring REST end point paths
Path Variables
Response Entity & HTTP Response Codes
HTTP POST Requests
Postman Overview
HTTP POST, @RequestMapping & Consuming JSON
HTTP PUT Requests
HTTP Delete Requests
Query Params
Query Params & Filtering
Improve Test Code Coverage
@Consumes and @Produces
Configuring what server Consumes from clients and Produces to clients
7- Jackson Fasterxml
Jackson overview
Immutable Objects and @JsonProperty
Changing JSON property names with getters & @JsonProperty
Computed JSON properties
8- JAX-RS & Resteasy
Spring MVC Alternatives
Resteasy starter pom
Simple endpoint using Reasteasy
Example: Switch User resource to user JaxRS annotations
Testing UserResourseResteasy enpoint
Jersey support with spring-boot-starter-jersey
9- Resteasy Client API
Understanding Integration tests
Reateasy Client API
Creating proxy interface
Creating proxy using @Bean
Spring Boot property files and @Value
10- Integration Tests
Spring Boot Integration tests
Web Environment
Simple Integration Test
Create user Integration Test
Delete User Integration Test
Update user Integration Test
12- Java Bean Validation
Sending empty object to server
Handling nulls with Objects.requireNonNull
Java Beans Validation Annotations
Activate the validations
12- Buildpack and Deployment
Generating the target folder
Running the .jar file
Overriding property files from terminalcmd
Cloud providers solutions
13- Conclusion
All the exercises have as a common thread the creation of a
complete Web server in Spring with user management, display of HTML pages and
Running a Spring Boot Application Using Spring CLI
Creation of a web application
SpringData Rest: The elaboration of Rest API (HATEOAS) with Spring Data Rest discussions
Spring MVC: Mini web application with Thymeleaf, security implementation
Spring MVC REST: REST controller developments. Jackson annotations and serialization issues. The DTO patter and ObjectMappers
Spring and Tests: Unit tests and mock objects, Integration tests with Tomcat and embedded HSQL, JSON serialization tests
Actuator: Implementation of Actuator
Setting up Web and Rest controllers, Spring Boot configuration
Implementation of Spring Boot Actuator
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